The Mufasa Difference. Mufasa Media
Performance Media by Mufasa℠ from Mufasa Media provides flexible and on-demand programmatic expertise with ease.

Performance Media by MUFASA® provides flexible programmatic expertise with ease.
We understand the day-to-day needs and fast moving pace of agency and marketing department life. Further, we also understand that workload and in-house resources can often fluctuate with evolving clients and digital investments. For that reason, Performance Media from MUFASA MEDIA® was created as a solution for businesses to quickly extend their team without long term commitments. Our service swiftly accommodates shifting voids for programmatic media resources which limits internal disruption and enables our clients to drive more success.
We are different because we consider ourselves equal parts bid strategist, data analyst, technology expert, and performance optimization engineer; but above all – we are leaders. Our extremely unique talent versatility allows us to operate with greater agility so we can deliver exceptionally valuable service.